“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul” - William Ernst Henley.
Accountability is more than just being responsible for others or having to fulfill obligations. It’s ultimately about self fulfilment.
In this article I will be exploring the nowadays rarely seen phenomenon called accountability. I’ll be highlighting the positive effects of being accountable and also the often seen negative effects from a lack of it.
We are the masters of our fate. Simply recognizing this is the start to a galvanizing chapter in your life.
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
It is rather telling that when searching for the definition of accountability in Google, the example provided for the lack of accountability encompasses business and politics.
In our modern world, the importance of accountability has been neglected. And yet as we are seeing, a lack of accountability can lead to a myriad of problems that impact everyone, from the leaders themselves to everyday people. When leaders shirk accountability they are in fact demonstrating that they are above the people they are accountable to. This is of course by design. This behavior, often seen in narcissists, sets the expectation of how a leader will treat the people around them. It also festers bad behavior, bad practices such as corruption, and an overall degradation of living standards.
And this traverses through time as evidenced in the Roman Empire, which became notorious for its corrupt and unaccountable leadership. Emperors like Caligula and Nero were infamous for their tyrannical rule, and their actions had disastrous consequences for the Roman people. Their self-serving and reckless behavior led to economic decline, political instability, and even civil war. This lack of accountability ultimately led to the fall of the Roman Empire. By believing that they were unaccountable, Nero and in particular Caligula, assumed ultimate power over the empire, overthrowing the rules and political framework that facilitated it’s greatness.
Another example is the early days of America where accountability was just as important as it is today. In fact, it was the lack of accountability that led to the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution. The colonists were tired of being subjected to unjust laws and taxation without representation, and they demanded accountability from their British rulers. When their demands were not met, they took action and fought for their freedom. This of course is a sign of things to come.
Fast forward to modern times, and we can see how the lack of accountability from leaders like Tony Blair, Boris Johnson, and Emmanuel Macron has had disastrous consequences for their respective countries.
Blair's decision to go to war in Iraq without proper justification resulted in thousands of deaths and a destabilized Middle East. A huge blot on his otherwise strong record. Tony Blair won three elections for the left wing Labour party. He was seen as a strong leader capable of uniting the left and right whilst capturing the undecided middle. Had he not entered the war with Bush he would undoubtedly have retired as a well respected Prime Minister. Perhaps the best. His downfall however was the handling of the war. Despite over a million people [largely his own supporters] protesting in London against the war in Iraq, Blair decided to align with US interests anyway. He decided he was no longer accountable to his citizens. Since then Blair has largely spent his time consulting for dictators which has further tainted his record.
Another UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson excelled in diverting accountability. Johnson's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the infamous "Covid parties," was a huge slap in the face to the people of the UK. While the general public were threatened with £10,000 fines for breaching Covid laws, Johnson and his staff were having parties in government offices in contravention of the same laws they had made. This classic example of ‘one rule for me and another for thee’ epitomized the government under Johnson’s leadership. Johnson, like his predecessor May and successor Truss, resigned under intense pressure of his actions. But he didn’t go easy.
It is unfortunately a feature of humanity that positions of power create conditions to corrupt. Once in those positions, whether as a company CEO or a nation leader, the lure of capitalizing at the expense of others is too big. It is in these moments that people who have held themselves accountable to get where they are, decide they are accountable to no one.
We Are All Accountable
It’s easy of course to blame our leaders for their lack of accountability and demand more, even if we should. But we must also demand more from ourselves. We are all, at the very least accountable to ourselves.
As someone who has struggled with this concept for several years, I’ve never felt more fulfilled and driven than I do when I owe myself. This year I made a deal with myself, that every goal I set for myself is non-negotiable. Before, I had often found myself excusing myself from doing things that I needed to do. There was always an excuse. The key is to realize that excuses get you nowhere. Lying to yourself only cheats yourself. This is accountability.
Think about it, if you can’t even be accountable to yourself, can you really expect others to be accountable to you? I mean, you can but you are certainly not in a position to point fingers. And yet we still expect others to deliver, take ownership, take the blame when things go wrong and assume responsibility whilst we can’t even get into shape, or finish that book we started 10 years ago or start that degree we’ve always wanted to have. Ultimately, accountability starts with ourselves. Once we recognize that we can change our habits. Then we can demand more from others.
Look at Joe Rogan or David Goggins. Rogan, has become a role model for accountability in modern times. His willingness to admit when he's wrong and to hold others accountable for their actions has earned him a massive following and a reputation for being a fair and just leader. He’s also revolutionized media by being honest, open and transparent with his discussions and guests. In contrast with legacy media which has narratives and agendas. The distrust of legacy media vis a vis the rise of the accountable podcast is evidenced in the viewing figures.
Another great example for accountability is David Goggins. Goggins is a huge advocate for accountability, even going so far to create his own technique, the accountability mirror. By creating an environment of accountability, Goggins went from a “broken home” overweight loser to a navy seal turned best selling author.
So, what can we learn from these examples? The importance of accountability in creating a thriving society is immeasurable. Whether we are talking about ancient empires, modern democracies or your average Joe, accountability leads to strong, and productive progress. This means holding ourselves to a higher standard, admitting when we are wrong, and taking responsibility for mistakes. It also means holding others accountable for their actions, whether they are fellow leaders or everyday people.
Be the Change
In conclusion, accountability is essential for a healthy society. Leaders must be held accountable for their actions, and everyday people must hold themselves and others accountable as well. By embodying accountability in our own lives and demanding it from our leaders, we can create a united society. After all, in free democracies we believe in the meritocracy.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Being accountable means being dependable, keeping our word, and following through on our commitments. It's about measuring up and taking responsibility." And this is the crux. When accountability is missing at all levels of society we create a system for shirkers. A system that rewards lying, cheating and stealing. The people in power use that to enrich themselves whilst the general public are busy lying to themselves and making excuses for not doing more.
But things may be changing. The world is waking up to the cronyism. The French are standing up with their fierce retaliation of the often unaccountable crony, President Macron. At least through his undemocratic actions he managed to galvanize the citizens of France to unite against a common enemy. A rare feat for a modern politician. He of course won’t take accountability for that.
The Truth Will Set You Free
On a lighter note, as we enter the Easter weekend I implore everyone to take a well earned break and reflect on what's important to you. Take the opportunity to think about where you are and what you want to achieve in life. Understand whether you are being the best version of yourself. Whether you are the the best version for you, your family, your friends. Think about what that means to you and start applying the changes that you need to bring you closer to that.
Dan Sullivan wrote “The definition of hell is: Your last day on Earth, the person you became meets the person you could have become." This powerful quote is a reminder that you only have one life. There exists a best version of you but only you can make that a reality. The truth will set you free. Be honest with yourself. Be accountable. Be the person you could have become.
Happy Easter to all!