Change is Coming
Voters across Europe went to the ballot box over the weekend which resulted in massive gains for the right wing parties. In what is usually a rather boring and tepid affair, a significant change in sentiment arose. The message is clear. A stunning rejection of the socialist policies that has diminished the quality of life for Europeans over the past two decades. A wake up call for the left wing parties.
For some it is surprising, for me it’s not. The shift from left wing to the right started in 2016 with Brexit and continued with Trump. A small reprieve during Covid only led to delayed frustration. It’s consequences solidified the people’s discontent. The silent majority has spoken and with that, it's probable to extrapolate that Trump will win by some margin in November.
Cause and Effect
The people of Europe are clearly frustrated that their quality of life has dropped immeasurebly. High cost of living, suppressed wages, extortionate house prices and a degradation to their culture and norms. All these issues are borne out of the suicidal policy of allowing extremely high levels of non-EU immigration.
This is not the fault of the migrants. They are merely another wheel in the cog. Another pawn on the board. As I outlined in a previous post, mass immigration is an unofficial government, if not EU, level directive designed to tackle two things; 1) birth rate decline and 2) labour shortages with the only goal being to save the ponzi economy. Too many rich people have their money tied in assets for them to let it fail. The people however have seen everything from their pockets to their environment decimated in the pursuit of “progress”.
The socialists have taken a hammering BUT let's not forget that the UK, a top 5 economy, will likely vote socialists into government next month, as the people rebel against their Conservative leaders. Ironically, or perhaps not if you understand what's happening, the socialists in the UK will be elected for the precise reason that the socialists have been kicked out of the EU; high cost of living, degrading quality of life, high immigration, high house prices etc….
Which begs the question, in practice, does the party in government matter or are the parties the same side of the coin? Heads they win, tails you lose.
Remember that Italy were supposed to be saved under Meloni, yet we know what happened.
Time will tell whether these elections will lead to real, tangible change but what’s certain is that the voices of discontent should not be ignored. Seismic shifts are necessary for societies to realign their wants and needs. We can’t forget that we as a species do not enjoy large changes in a small time frame. Pulling back the rope to tame ‘‘progress’’ is necessary to progress sustainably. The danger lies in the shift from one extreme to another, rather than from one side to the centre.
The outcome from the elections is clear however and the people have spoken. Will the politicians listen?